
Technical Division, School of Engineering, Tohoku University

Instrumental Analysis Group

Home >> List of instruments

Lists of instruments

Electron microscopes, AFM NMR / ESR
Analyzers for elements, surfaces,structural Mass spectrometers
Chromatographs Atomic absorption spectrometers / ICP
Spectroscopic analyzers Particle size distribution analyzers
Nitrogen/phosphorus analyzers Total organic carbon analyzers

If you do not find any instruments that you want to use in this list, please also refer to Technical Support Center at Tohoku University.

Electron microscopes, AFM

Instruments Model Section
FE-TEM Hitachi, HF-2000 Fine structure analysis
FE-TEM/STEM JEOL, JEM-2100F Fine structure analysis
LOW-TEM Hitachi, HT-7500 Fine structure analysis
TEM JEOL, NEOARMex Satellite 1
TEM JEOL, JEM-2100 (HR) Satellite 1
TEM JEOL, JEM-2100 (HC) Satellite 1
FE-STEM Hitachi High-Technologies, HD-2700 Satellite 2
FE-SEM JEOL, JSM-6500F Fine structure analysis
FE-SEM/EBSP JEOL, JSM-7100F Fine structure analysis
FE-SEM JEOL, JSM-7800F Satellite 1
FE-SEM JEOL, JXA-8530F Satellite 1
FE-SEM JEOL, JSM-IT800(SHL) Satellite 1
FE-SEM Hitachi High-Technologies, S-4800 Satellite 2
Tabletop SEM Hitachi High-Technologies, TM3000 Satellite 2
AFM/SPM SII Nanocute Fine structure analysis
Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope JEOL, JIB-4600F Satellite 1
Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope JEOL, JIB-PS500i Satellite 1
FIB sample finishing equipment Fischione Nanomill 1040 Satellite 1
Sample processing apparatus for electron microscope Various devices Fine structure analysis
Ion milling Gatan PIPSⅡ cool Model695 Satellite 1


Instruments Model Section
NMR (600MHz) JEOL, ECZL-600 Satellite 1
NMR (400MHz) JEOL, ECZL-400G Satellite 1
NMR (300MHz) JEOL, ECZ-300R Satellite 1
NMR (400MHz) Bruker, AV400 (for liquid only) Satellite 2
ESR JEOL, X330 Satellite 2

Analyzers for elements, surfaces,structural

Instruments Model Section
CHNSO Elemental Analyzer Elementar,vario EL cube Trace analysis
Wavelength Dispersive XRF Bruker, S8 Tiger(1kw) Trace analysis
μXRF Bruker, M4 TORNADO+ S26 Trace analysis
Energy dispersive XRF HORIBA, XGT-5000 Satellite 1
XPS Thermo Fisher Scientific, Theta Probe Satellite 1
XPS Shimadzu, AXIS-ULTRA Satellite 2
EPMA JEOL, JXA-8530F Satellite 1
EPMA Shimadzu, EPMA-1720HT Satellite 2
AES (Auger Electron Spectrometer) ULVAC-PHI, PHI 710 Satellite 1
AES (Auger Electron Spectrometer) JEOL,JAMP-9510F Satellite 1
GD-OES HORIBA JOBIN YVON, GD-Profiler 2 Fine structure analysis
GD-OES HORIBA JOBIN YVON, GD-Profiler 2 Satellite 1
SC-XRD Bruker, D8 QUEST Satellite 2

Mass spectrometers

Instruments Model Section
Mass spectrometer JEOL, JMS-700 Trace analysis
GC-MS1 Agilent 6890N, 5975C Trace analysis
GC-MS2 Agilent 8890, 5977C Trace analysis
GC-MS3 Agilent 8860, 5977B Trace analysis
ICP-MS Agilent 8800 Trace analysis
High resolution MS AB Sciex TripleTOF 5600+ Trace analysis
Mass spectrometer for proteome analysis Thermo Fisher Scientific, Q Exactive Plus Satellite 2


Instruments Model Section
GC-MS1 Agilent 6890N, 5975C Trace analysis
GC-MS2 Agilent 8890, 5977C Trace analysis
GC-MS3 Agilent 8860, 5977B Trace analysis
HPLC Agilent 1290 InfinityⅡ LC system Trace analysis
Ion chromatograph Thermo Fisher Scientific Integrion Satellite 3
Ion chromatograph Metrohm, Basic IC plus 883 Trace analysis

Atomic absorption spectrometers/ ICP

Instruments Model Section
Atomic absorption spectrometer ThermoFisher, iCE3500 Satellite 2
ICP-AES ThermoFisher, iCAP6500 Satellite 2
ICP-MS Agilent, 8800 Trace analysis

Spectroscopic analyzers

Instruments Model Section
Raman microscope JASCO, NRS-5100 Trace analysis
FT-IR microscope JASCO, FT/IR 6300, IRT-7000 Trace analysis
FT-IR ThermoFisher, Nicolet6700 Satellite 2
Fluorescence spectrometer Hitachi High-Technologies, F-7000 Satellite 2

Particle size distribution analyzers

Instruments Model Section
Particle size distribution analyzer Malvern, MASTERSIZER 3000 Satellite 3

Nitrogen/phosphorus analyzers

Instruments Model Section
Nitrogen/phosphorus analyzer BLTEC, Auto Analyzer II Satellite 3
Nitrogen/phosphorus analyzer by form BLTEC, QuAAtro 2HR Satellite 3

Total organic carbon analyzers

Instruments Model Section
Total organic carbon analyzer Shimadzu, TOC-L Satellite 3
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